Monday, March 16, 2009


Nice little logo, huh? Futuristic, sleek, the image of a ringed planet gets the job done. So why am I showing it to you?

Well, the Sci Fi Channel decided their "brand" needed a little "refreshing." So they paid a bunch of geniuses at Landor Associates a few million dollars, and after months of labor, they came up with a brand-new name, and a brand new logo to go with it. Drumroll, please...

That's it?

That's it!?

You have got to be freakin' kidding me.

A name that sounds like a hedge fund, a butt-ugly logo that would look at home in Rhoda Morgenstern's apartment, and a syntactically suspect catchphrase that sounds like it was dreamed up by a copywriter for a Japanese game show, and the guys who paid for this piece of horse puckey are really proud of it. The president of the channel claims "The testing we’ve done has been incredibly positive."

Yeah, right. Congratulations, science fiction -- you finally have your own New Coke.

Of course, the real reason for this change has nothing to do with branding -- it's about the fact that the term "sci fi" cannot be trademarked, while the word "syfy" can because, you know, it's not really a word.

So drink deeply of SYFY! I would have renamed it the Speculative Fiction Channel, myself.

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