Sunday, March 15, 2009

Is this where Stephen Moffat got it from?

Fans of the Doctor Who two-parter "Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead" will know what I'm talking about.

Seriously, "River Song" (by Beach Boy and Brian brother Dennis Wilson) is one of my favorite songs of all time -- it easily eclipses anything the Beach Boys did post-"Heroes & Villains," with great BB harmonies and an awe-insiring arrangement that washes over you with crescendo after crescendo. You can listen to it below. (And I bet it is where Moffat got the name from!)


  1. One of my favorite two-parters thus far actually. Though i still think the last three episodes of season three are the best. With the master and all that.

  2. We are re-watching the Master episodes. I like them, although I think the Master is a little too loony. (In the past the Master's fatal weakness was usually his ego.) And I really hated that weazened little toad-Doctor. But it has a lot of great stuff, like the bomb in Martha's apartment.

    My favorite 2-parter is Paul Cornell's ultra-awesome "Human Nature/Family of Blood."
