Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Off we go, then!

About 75% of my "day job" (running this here publishing company) is responding to emails. Seriously, I get on average 35 non-spam emails a day, from distributors, from printers, from licensors in Japan, and as a result my ability to keep up with emails from friends and family has really suffered. And since I am now stealing time to work on a novel, it's only going to get worse. There are already several unanswered emails that are nagging in the back of my mind, and at the rate things are going, some may never get answered. So it occurred to me, why not start a private blog as a way of keeping in touch with people?

Now I've always sort of detested the whole notion of blogs, and I have no desire to be part of the endless static of "the blogosphere." (Q: Why did they come up with the word "blogosphere?" A: Because the word "blog" wasn't ugly enough.) But the idea of a private blog as a way of staying in touch with friends and family, through posts and comments, has suddenly started to make sense to me.

So I hope you'll subscribe, I hope you'll read. I hope we'll chat often in the comments section, I hope we'll feel a little closer to one another, and I hope I'll be able to get my novel finished!


  1. Two friends of mine (back in Texas) this week suggested I should join Facebook... that's got to be an even uglier coinage than "blog" in my mind... I don't think I'll do that, but this private blog things does make sense.

    I actually started my own blog on LiveJournal last year...but not many people know that. (Except other LJ users, I guess.) And despite my good intentions, I think I've posted about twice since the start of 2009.

    I will definitely read your blog -- and respond to your latest email later today, I promise!
    (see if you can figure out who I am from my email address...hahaha)

  2. I think the words "Lisa said" up at the top were a bit of a giveaway.

    Send me the link to your LJ and I'll post it here. Or send it and tell me not to post it. Either way send it.
