Friday, June 19, 2009

Gray days on the Cape

One thing that seems to have followed us from Germany to London to Cape Cod is bad weather. All the way up on the drive from New York to Wellfleet people kept saying to us "Sorry about the rain." Rain? What rain?

Oh, that rain. A week of it. At least. Everything is gray and damp.

Here's a non-sunny view of the Breuer House, going out to my main man Bob Crais:

Still, gray days on Cape Cod have their charm, so Audry and I packed our stuff and headed into town to the Lighthouse, the only restaurant with wifi...

...and a really old anchor.

I had a "Wellfleetian" omelet (made with Portuguese linguiça sausage) and Audry had an English muffin egg sandwich.

Later, we'll build a fire at the house, and I'll read "Seabiscuit" to my mother.


  1. Wish we had some of that rain out here -- and that you were a monkey...

    Alphonse X. Phlattery

  2. Love that house. LOVE it. Thanks.

